Partner Up!
It’s been proven time and time again: Support for your fitness efforts is a very potent part of your motivation. In my Lean Bodies classes, I’ve always found that the most consistent participants are the ones who work out with a partner. Often, another person’s willpower may be just what you need when you are tempted to skip a workout or go off your program.
How then do you find the best support? Here are some tips:
You and your partner or exercise group should be “like-minded,” that is, be interested in exercise, nutrition, and good health – and the benefits they bring.
Your partners should share the same workout and nutrition philosophies. It’s important, for example, that you all be on the Parrillo Nutrition Program, so that you can share recipe and nutrition tips and ideas.
Each one of you should be a “positive motivator,” and not a “cheap complimenter.” In other words, don’t tell your partner he’s looking great, when in fact he has only worked out twice. Tell the truth. Be supportive and encouraging – especially when new fitness goals are attained.
Partners should have compatible schedules so that you can work out at the same time during the week. It’s easier to stick to a set routine rather than do sporadic activities.
Schedule your exercise sessions at the same time, on the same days. This is an excellent carrot to dangle in front of you. Eventually, your workouts will become cemented into your daily routine.
● Both of you should be willing to work out at the same intensity levels and not be afraid to sweat! Commit yourself gradually and progressively by increasing your intensity.
● You should also consider the Parrillo staff in Cincinnati, Ohio as part of your extended support. If you have questions about working out or eating properly, feel free to call the Parrillo Performance info-line at 513-874-3305 (Monday through Friday, 9am to 6pm EST). You’ll be able to talk personally to one of the Parrillo consultants, who will answer your nutrition and training questions, keeping your individual goals in mind. Remember, support is one of the ways you can become the best you can be.