Eating Beans Helps Lower Cholesterol

Tracie Euker
Consuming as little as one-half cup of cooked dry beans every day helped volunteers lower their total cholesterol levels in an Agricultural Research Service (ARS) study. These results, published in the November issue of the Journal of Nutrition by the ARS scientists and their colleagues, add to a growing—and convincing—body of evidence that beans are a heart healthy food choice.
The researchers tested 80 volunteers aged 18 to 55 years. Half were healthy, while half had at least two symptoms that lead to metabolic syndrome, a combination of conditions that signal a risk for cardiovascular disease. Those with “pre-metabolic-syndrome” had abdominal obesity and either high triglyceride levels, low HDL “good” cholesterol, high blood sugar, or high blood pressure.
For 12 weeks, half of the group was randomly selected to eat one-half cup of cooked dry pinto beans daily along with their regular daily diet. The others ate a replacement serving of chicken soup instead of the pinto beans. The findings show that, compared to measures taken prior to the 12-week test phase, all the volunteers—the healthy ones as well as those with symptoms—who ate pinto beans saw a reduction in their cholesterol levels.
– Rosalie Marion Bliss, USDA Agricultural Research Service website, November 28, 2007
Question of the month:
Question: Why does the Parrillo Nutrition
Program exclude dairy products and fruit?
Answer: In working with top bodybuilders and athletes for over 30 years, we’ve identified which foods yield the best results in terms of physique and performance. We’ve learned exactly what foods to eat, what foods to avoid, and how to structure meals. Those following the Parrillo Nutrition Program should avoid dairy products because they contain lactose, a simple sugar. In addition, dairy products are high in fat. Both simple sugars and fat are easily converted to body fat.
We suggest that fruit be avoided as fruit contains fructose, a simple sugar that’s easily converted to body fat. In digestion, food passes from the stomach to the intestines to the liver and finally to the bloodstream. Because of fructose’s molecular structure, the liver readily converts it into a long chain triglyceride (a fat). Therefore, a majority of the fruit you eat can ultimately end up as body fat on your physique.
ATHLETE spotlight
Tracie Euker
“I am an art teacher in Sullivan County, NY, wife and mother of 2 boys under the age of 7 and I’m over the age of 40. I am a Figure Competitor with the INBF. I just competed in and won “two” 1st place trophies in the NYS INBF Figure Championships held in Poughkeepsie, NY, in Figure Medium class & Masters Figure. Last year I entered the same show and placed 3rd in Figure Med. and 2nd in Masters Figure. A lot can happen in a year. For one I found Parrillo CapTri® MCT oil and Parrillo Protein Chew Bars™. Both helped me increase energy and performance without adding fat and empty calories. As a result I was able to add some nice lean weight over the year and come back better than ever! My message is simple…Not only is the old adage true that you are what you eat also true is the power of your mind for what you believe you can achieve. I am passionate about being a positive role model not only for my children and students but for other Moms or women over 40 who maybe feel they can’t. I am a living example of what hard work, sound nutrition and dedication can achieve.”
Quick Tip of the month:
Treat yourself to an ice-cold Parrillo shake! Mix up a Parrillo protein shake in your favorite flavor and place your shaker cup in the freezer for about 15 minutes. You’ll have a delicious frosty Parrillo shake to enjoy in no time!
Email your tips to!
nutrition Tip of the month:
Parrillo Essential Vitamin™ and Mineral Electrolyte™ Formulas are designed to be taken at each meal. Here’s why: Since you need the vitamins and minerals to assist and control the molecular processes associated with metabolizing and synthesizing food, it only makes sense that you provide those vitamins and minerals with the food you’re eating. Also, water soluble vitamins (B group and C group) are excreted from your body in urine within 3-4 hours after you take them, so levels drop back down again. By taking vitamins with each meal, this provides a more steady and constant blood level, and helps incorporate dietary protein into new muscle tissue after each meal.
Training Tip of the month:
For maximal increases in muscle size, it is best to train mostly in the 6-12 rep range with a moderate load. Training with a “moderate” load means the heaviest load you can lift for 6-12 reps in good form. This rep range allows you to use about 70-80% of your one rep maximum (1RM) weight. It’s important to train to failure at each working set, which means keep performing reps until you absolutely cannot get another. When you can perform 12 or more reps with a given weight, increase the weight by about 10%. This is the concept of progressive resistance.
Dominique’s Time Cruncher
After completing your workout at the gym, you can save time by taking your shower in the locker room right there at the gym, and then drinking your protein shake on the drive home or your commute to work.