• 150 Tablets
• Loaded with vitamins, Beta Carotene, Biotin, Folic and Pantothenic Acid
• Each tablets contains 500mgs of vitamin C
There are multivitamin formulas commercially available and then there is Parrillo Performance’s Essential Vitamin Formula™. Comparing ordinary drugstore vitamins to Essential Vitamin Formula™ is like comparing a Yugo to a Ferrari. Start with a 500mg base of Vitamin C. Add vitamin A, B-1, B-2, B-6 and B-12, plus a jolt of Folic Acid and for the Grand Finale 5,000iu of Beta-Carotene, the mightiest of antioxidants. This perfect combination of vitamins will help keep you going by supplying your body with much needed vitamin insurance. So call us today and get your body on the right track to health and wellness.