Blog — Category_A Bodybuilder is Born

Staying in Shape for the Long Term

My guest-posing exhibition had gone quite well, all things considered. I refrained from the common practice Ron Harris of jumping off stage into the crowd to pose up close and personal for four or five minutes. I figured a little Ron goes a long way, plus I didn’t want anyone to snap some unflattering paparazzi picture and post it all over the web. Not that I was going to be flashing my privates, shaving my head, or attacking any cars with an umbrella, but if my stomach happened to be protruding at all from any angle, rumors would be flying...

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A Bodybuilder is Born: Episode 19 Back to School

Ron Harris as Archer It’s funny how your attitude about certain things can change as you get older. When I was a kid, late August was a miserable time of year. It meant that the glorious summer vacation was almost over, and very soon life would return to the monotonous drudgery of waking up every day and going to school, doing homework, and counting the days until the next vacation – much the way prisoners mark the days until their release into freedom. I think I actually used to mark the days in hash marks on the wall of my...

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