Blog — Category_A Bodybuilder is Born

Ron Harris > The Power of Focus

Ron Bicep Curls Old Man Winter is one miserable S.O.B, I tell ya. On the last weekend before Christmas the bitter New England skies had opened up and dumped well over a foot of snow on us, just when I thought I might be able to escape off to my vacation on a cruise ship without having to deal with backbreaking hours of shoveling. As a kid I used to go ballistic with joy whenever it snowed. That was years before I had to do anything but sled down hills on it and make snowmen. Now my reaction had drastically...

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Pump up the volume for new gains > Ron Harris

Heavy Weights Jared was hurt. He had taken a bad hit from an odd angle from an opposing teammate in the final three minutes of the fourth quarter in the last game of the regular season (our town’s high school had advanced to playoffs), then landed even worse on his right shoulder. I don’t find it surprising at all that many of the injuries incurred by football players are virtually identical to what happens to people in automobile accidents. It’s true that you may not have two tons of steel smashing into another vehicle (or a tree) at eighty miles...

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Nutrient Partitioning, Meal Timing & Hormone Manipulation

Utilize these venerable Parrillo Principles and build muscle while melting off fat! Healthy Carbs Nutrient Partitioning is a concept John Parrillo first introduced to the bodybuilding world twenty five years ago to explain why certain foods are preferentially “partitioned” into making muscle while other foods are preferentially partitioned into creating body fat. If you understand which foods do what, you can custom construct your very own nutritional template incorporating the beneficial foods while avoiding progress-inhibiting foods. What specific foods are preferentially used to build muscle? What specific foods are preferentially used to increase body fat? These are critical questions and...

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Episode 20: Never turn your back on – your back!

A Bodybuilder is Born: Generations Episode 20: Never turn your back on – your back! Just as there had been no joy in Mudville one summer day long ago, spirits were down in New England in our final days of summer. Football fans had grown accustomed to winning lately, since the Patriots had nabbed the Superbowl three times in the past few years. Much of this was due to having one of the greatest quarterbacks the NFL had ever seen, a handsome All-American chap named Tom Brady. What no one expected was that he would injure his knee so severely...

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