Blog — Category_Featured

Vince Wood > How I took my stagnant physique to the next level

Vince Wood was at a crossroads. A national-ly ranked bodybuilder, Vince was experienc-ing “burn out.” He was tired of his longtime proven-effective approach. He was losing his enthusiasm. Vince was becoming convinced he had taken his career about as far as it was going to go following the road he was on. Vince felt impaled on the horns of a dilemma: that his current methods worked was beyond dispute. What was also beyond dispute was the cold hard fact that he hadn’t significantly improved in over a year. Should he abandon his proven effective ways and strike out in an...

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Truthfulness, the Parrillo Nutritional Strategy and Bodystat

What differentiates John Parrillo from the rest of the fitness world is his cold allegiance to the truth – even if the truth is detrimental to his own financial wellbeing. Back in the early 1980s I was an avid supple-ment taker, indiscriminately leap-ing from one “magical” supplement to the next. I was lured in by outra-geous advertising claims made by unscrupulous supplement makers. I desperately wanted to believe that the bold lies (told with such easy assurance) were in fact true. Had I been a little smarter I would have noticed that the advertising tem-plates were predictably the same: purchase...

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Iron Vic Speaks > 10x10, Olympic Drugs, Chew on This, Olympic Lifts for Bodybuilders

Low Calorie, High Protein Taffy! Vic,I am an advanced guy who competes in bodybuilding. I am looking for a change of pace going into my competitive off-season. I compete in a local drug-free federation and despite being able to come in ‘shredded’ (I usually step onstage carrying around 7% body fat) I always place out of the money. I have asked the judges what I need to up my placing and the collective answer seems to be I need size, particularly in my thighs. I was a high school gymnast and have that kind of build: good shoulders, arms and...

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