Blog — Category_Iron Vic Speaks

Don’t use ME as an excuse…Mass building on

Vic, My training partner is driving me nuts: he has made some nice gains and good progress – I keep telling him if he would just throw caution to the wind, take that extra step, commit another 5-10%, this guy could be incredible! He must have a low pain tolerance. He has become predictable: when things start getting tough, you know on the last few reps of the top set, he will quit! When it comes to the final tough reps at the end of a tough set he bails out. He does this about 50% of the time. As...

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Iron Vic Speaks > 10x10, Olympic Drugs, Chew on This, Olympic Lifts for Bodybuilders

Low Calorie, High Protein Taffy! Vic,I am an advanced guy who competes in bodybuilding. I am looking for a change of pace going into my competitive off-season. I compete in a local drug-free federation and despite being able to come in ‘shredded’ (I usually step onstage carrying around 7% body fat) I always place out of the money. I have asked the judges what I need to up my placing and the collective answer seems to be I need size, particularly in my thighs. I was a high school gymnast and have that kind of build: good shoulders, arms and...

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