Blog — Category_by John Parrillo

Amino Power! Take your amino acids

A supplement – amino acids – that has been around for ages is getting a fresh look from science and the Muscle Amino news for athletes and exercisers has never been better. Case in point: Investigators at the College of New Jersey studied the effect of a pre-exercise energy sport drink on the acute hormonal response to resistance exercise in eight experienced resistance-trained men. The subjects were randomly provided either a placebo (a carb drink) or the supplement (a combination that included branched chain amino acids and creatine) and they drank it 10 minutes prior to exercising. The men then...

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MCT Oil is Really a Fat-Burning Fat

CapTri on Veggies I love it when research confirms what we at Parrillo Performance have known for decades. Yet another study has shown that MCT oil really is a fat-burning fat. Of course, you know MCT oil as CapTri®, one of our flagship supplements. MCT oil was first formulated in the 1950s by the pharmaceutical industry for patients who had trouble digesting regular fats. It is processed mainly from coconut oil but does not have any of the adverse effects associated with tropical oils. Here’s the latest, greatest news on MCTs: A 2008 study published in Journal of the American...

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John Parrillo > Older Means Better

IF you’re an older athlete – say over 50 – and want to stay competitive, do you have different nutritional needs than your younger counterparts? Most research to date suggests that your nutritional needs are not significantly different. However, there are definitely ways you can optimize your diet and supplement program to help you keep your edge. The following tips can help you stay competitive. Keep Your Calories Up The most important thing you can do is routinely eat quality calories from nutrient-dense, health-protective foods that support top performance, enhance recovery from hard workouts and reduce the risk of heart...

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Rest, Recuperation and GH

Rest and recuperation can work in conjunction with growth hormone (GH) if this relationship is properly understood. For background, growth hormone (GH) is a protein hormone made by the pituitary gland, a small secretory gland at the base of the brain. Hormones, chemical messengers secreted by endocrine glands into the bloodstream, are delivered to target tissues, where they exert their effects. (1) Although growth hormone is of interest to adults, its primary function is to promote growth during childhood. Actively growing children have the highest levels of growth hormone. Gradually, GH release decreases with age. The decline in GH levels...

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