Blog — captri
MCT Oil is Really a Fat-Burning Fat
CapTri on Veggies I love it when research confirms what we at Parrillo Performance have known for decades. Yet another study has shown that MCT oil really is a fat-burning fat. Of course, you know MCT oil as CapTri®, one of our flagship supplements. MCT oil was first formulated in the 1950s by the pharmaceutical industry for patients who had trouble digesting regular fats. It is processed mainly from coconut oil but does not have any of the adverse effects associated with tropical oils. Here’s the latest, greatest news on MCTs: A 2008 study published in Journal of the American...
Have we “peaked” as a species?...Timeless Supplements…My Ideal Woman…Santana Hanna sighting?
Liver Amino Hello Old Timer! Have you noticed how few world records fell at the Olympics in track and field and weightlifting? I know Asa Bolt tore it up, but other than him it was pretty sparse. The German who won the heavyweight weightlifting gold medal clean & jerked roughly the same as Vasily Alexev did in 1976! The lighter weightlifter guys are doing better – but I think that is attributable to the huge influx of Chinese lifters…in wartime the Chinese have always used the ‘human wave’ tactic and in sport they seem to be doing the same thing....
CapTri®: One of the Best Weight-Loss “Potions”
At any given time, plenty of people are trying to control their weight. Their options, outside the prescription drug market and surgical treatment, include diets and diet books, exercise alone or with trainers in gyms, dietary supplements, group programs, and health-care professionals. There are lots of non-prescription products available to help people control their weight, including herbal dietary supplements, diet drinks, and portion-controlled foods, meal replacements, and low-carbohydrate diets and foods. The introduction of orlistat as an over-the-counter (OTC) product is the only Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved product for weight loss currently in that category. Despite the proliferation of...
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