Blog — Category_Duke Nukem
Tips and Tidbits > Breaking news fitness and nutrition
Eating Beans Helps Lower Cholesterol Tracie Euker Consuming as little as one-half cup of cooked dry beans every day helped volunteers lower their total cholesterol levels in an Agricultural Research Service (ARS) study. These results, published in the November issue of the Journal of Nutrition by the ARS scientists and their colleagues, add to a growing—and convincing—body of evidence that beans are a heart healthy food choice. The researchers tested 80 volunteers aged 18 to 55 years. Half were healthy, while half had at least two symptoms that lead to metabolic syndrome, a combination of conditions that signal a risk...
Parrillo Performance Tips and Tidbits
Roxi Baum Trainer Spotlight Roxi Baum Title: Personal Trainer, specializing in Female Fitness Location: Jonathan’s Gym in Bedford, Indiana After an exhilarating certification weekend at Parrillo Performance, I am a newly certified personal trainer enjoying my first clients and the amazing feeling of making a difference by helping people change their lives and meet their goals. With equal emphasis on nutrition and training, I will give my clients a strong foundation on which to build a fit and healthful lifestyle. I train at Johnathan’s Gym in Bedford, Indiana, specializing in Female Fitness with special emphasis on helping women feel confident...
CapTri®: One of the Best Weight-Loss “Potions”
At any given time, plenty of people are trying to control their weight. Their options, outside the prescription drug market and surgical treatment, include diets and diet books, exercise alone or with trainers in gyms, dietary supplements, group programs, and health-care professionals. There are lots of non-prescription products available to help people control their weight, including herbal dietary supplements, diet drinks, and portion-controlled foods, meal replacements, and low-carbohydrate diets and foods. The introduction of orlistat as an over-the-counter (OTC) product is the only Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved product for weight loss currently in that category. Despite the proliferation of...
Cliff Sheats > Support Your Success
Partner Up! It’s been proven time and time again: Support for your fitness efforts is a very potent part of your motivation. In my Lean Bodies classes, I’ve always found that the most consistent participants are the ones who work out with a partner. Often, another person’s willpower may be just what you need when you are tempted to skip a workout or go off your program. How then do you find the best support? Here are some tips: You and your partner or exercise group should be “like-minded,” that is, be interested in exercise, nutrition, and good health –...
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