Mike Grant 2009: New & Improved!
“You got to eat the right foods – it’s as simple as that. You got to put the right fuel into your body.” If there was such a thing as a Parrillo Army, Mike Grant would be a Drill Instructor. Mike is a Parrillo Certified Personal Trainer and has appeared repeatedly in this magazine for good reason: he started off at a high level (when we first got to know him) and he has consistently gotten better as he has gotten older. He exemplifies the classical bodybuilder lifestyle and by any benchmark Mike Grant is “the real deal.” Mike has...
Great Cardio Mr. Steele, I am a bodybuilder who competes. I am looking for ways to move up the competitive ladder. I am twenty-one years old, weigh 165 in the off-season and compete weighing 150, give or take a few pounds. The problem is that I am 6 feet tall and when I step onstage I look like a basketball player. I tower over my competitors. I know I need to gain weight but I cannot gain no matter what I do. I eat a lot of fruit and raw vegetables during the day because they don’t need to be...
Parrillo's Tips and Tidbits
Lisa Rovella ATHLETE spotlight Lisa Rovella “I am fairly new to competing having started Sept. ‘07 in natural mixed pairs with my husband. I had started following the Parrillo lifestyle in ‘06 with the goal of competing. We won 1st place and I was hooked. I did feel that it was all for nothing, you diet and train and train; get up on stage for 90 seconds and you’re done. This made me look at Ms. Fitness USA. They get on stage three times, now that is more like it! So we went to Vegas in ‘07 to watch the...
Back on the Wagon: My 2-Day Undo Diet
Veggies If you’re like millions of Americans right now, you indulged over the holidays – and that’s okay and that’s normal. You probably don’t even have to jump on the scales to confirm that you’re heavier. A quick look inmirror says it all: yes, you look bloated. But hold on. Don’t throw in the towel yet. With the holidays over, you can start again with a clean slate and get your momentum going with my 2-Day Undo Diet. Start it on Monday and continue on Tuesday. It will re-energize you, help flush out salt and processed sugar, leave you feeling...
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