The Parrillo Choc-o-holic Diet…Flat Flyes…Midget Chi-com Commie Racism
Dumbbells Hello Iron Vic, I am a 44 year old mother of three and a longtime fitness fanatic. I am 5-4, I weigh 145 pounds and would really like to drop 20 pounds of fat. I enjoy weight training and can bench press my bodyweight. I have no problem with cardio. I jog on my treadmill every day while watching the TV news. What messes me up is sweets. I love chocolate! I don’t drink or smoke and other than eating sweets I eat pretty “clean” to use your word. My problem is I am absolutely addicted to chocolate. I...
Tips and Tidbits > Breaking news fitness and nutrition
Eating Beans Helps Lower Cholesterol Tracie Euker Consuming as little as one-half cup of cooked dry beans every day helped volunteers lower their total cholesterol levels in an Agricultural Research Service (ARS) study. These results, published in the November issue of the Journal of Nutrition by the ARS scientists and their colleagues, add to a growing—and convincing—body of evidence that beans are a heart healthy food choice. The researchers tested 80 volunteers aged 18 to 55 years. Half were healthy, while half had at least two symptoms that lead to metabolic syndrome, a combination of conditions that signal a risk...
Amino Power! Take your amino acids
A supplement – amino acids – that has been around for ages is getting a fresh look from science and the Muscle Amino news for athletes and exercisers has never been better. Case in point: Investigators at the College of New Jersey studied the effect of a pre-exercise energy sport drink on the acute hormonal response to resistance exercise in eight experienced resistance-trained men. The subjects were randomly provided either a placebo (a carb drink) or the supplement (a combination that included branched chain amino acids and creatine) and they drank it 10 minutes prior to exercising. The men then...
Pump up the volume for new gains > Ron Harris
Heavy Weights Jared was hurt. He had taken a bad hit from an odd angle from an opposing teammate in the final three minutes of the fourth quarter in the last game of the regular season (our town’s high school had advanced to playoffs), then landed even worse on his right shoulder. I don’t find it surprising at all that many of the injuries incurred by football players are virtually identical to what happens to people in automobile accidents. It’s true that you may not have two tons of steel smashing into another vehicle (or a tree) at eighty miles...
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