
Don’t use ME as an excuse…Mass building on

Vic, My training partner is driving me nuts: he has made some nice gains and good progress – I keep telling him if he would just throw caution to the wind, take that extra step, commit another 5-10%, this guy could be incredible! He must have a low pain tolerance. He has become predictable: when things start getting tough, you know on the last few reps of the top set, he will quit! When it comes to the final tough reps at the end of a tough set he bails out. He does this about 50% of the time. As...

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Staying in Shape for the Long Term

My guest-posing exhibition had gone quite well, all things considered. I refrained from the common practice Ron Harris of jumping off stage into the crowd to pose up close and personal for four or five minutes. I figured a little Ron goes a long way, plus I didn’t want anyone to snap some unflattering paparazzi picture and post it all over the web. Not that I was going to be flashing my privates, shaving my head, or attacking any cars with an umbrella, but if my stomach happened to be protruding at all from any angle, rumors would be flying...

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Overhead Pressing with Barbells & Dumbbells > The Once & Future KING of Shoulder Development

The King is headed for extinction: Once upon a time the clean and press was included in every true Iron Man’s shoulder routine. Once upon a time Olympic weightlifting was quite popular and the overhead press was one of the three Olympic lifts. Once upon a time powerlifters were convinced that acquiring a huge press-behind-the-neck was a surefire way to acquire a huge bench press. Once upon a time elite bodybuilders like John Grimek, Marvin Eder, Sergio Oliva, Lou Ferrigno, Bertil Fox and Franco Columbo always made the free weight overhead press the cornerstone of their deltoid routines. Once upon...

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Angela Romano & Beyond Fit > Alternative Wellness nets big gains for savvy clients

Angela Romano is a vibrant, enthusiastic fitness facility owner who espouses a new and different approach towards all things health and fitness related: her approach is subtle and based in psychology. “I want to reintroduce the concept of fun back into fitness – I hate that word, “fitness” and prefer “wellness.” Angela feels the critical first step in changing a client’s body is to first change their psychological mindset. “Fitness/wellness succeeds when particip¬ants come to enjoy ‘the process,’ the hard training and disciplined eating.” Angela’s facility is called Beyond Fit and is the complete opposite of the classical impersonal franchise...

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