
Sissy and Hitler teach the worst exercises of all time…My most loved exercise…Mass without sacrificing speed

Free Weights Hello Vic, What weight training exercises do you consider worthless? I have a few candidates of my own. It blows my mind when I go to the local gym and see the ridiculous exercises that Personal Trainers are teaching trainees. I won’t even bring up the ridiculous Swiss Ball exercises, or the latest “off balance” exercises. What is up with this new breed of personal trainer? Thor, Arlington Thor has to be one of the greatest Iron Man names ever….Hell Thor, all exercises, even the good ones, are worthless if they’re done incorrectly. I have a client that...

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Nutrient Partitioning, Meal Timing & Hormone Manipulation

Utilize these venerable Parrillo Principles and build muscle while melting off fat! Healthy Carbs Nutrient Partitioning is a concept John Parrillo first introduced to the bodybuilding world twenty five years ago to explain why certain foods are preferentially “partitioned” into making muscle while other foods are preferentially partitioned into creating body fat. If you understand which foods do what, you can custom construct your very own nutritional template incorporating the beneficial foods while avoiding progress-inhibiting foods. What specific foods are preferentially used to build muscle? What specific foods are preferentially used to increase body fat? These are critical questions and...

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MCT Oil is Really a Fat-Burning Fat

CapTri on Veggies I love it when research confirms what we at Parrillo Performance have known for decades. Yet another study has shown that MCT oil really is a fat-burning fat. Of course, you know MCT oil as CapTri®, one of our flagship supplements. MCT oil was first formulated in the 1950s by the pharmaceutical industry for patients who had trouble digesting regular fats. It is processed mainly from coconut oil but does not have any of the adverse effects associated with tropical oils. Here’s the latest, greatest news on MCTs: A 2008 study published in Journal of the American...

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Going Green > Cliff Sheats

There’s a lot of talk about “going green” environmentally, but what about nutritionally? By that I mean, filling your plate with plenty of green vegetables, in all types and varieties. When you “go green” with your diet, you give your body a great nutritional harvest. Green vegetables, for example, have long been known to contain antioxidants that combat free radicals (highly reactive chemicals produced in reactions) in cells. Other nutritional attributes of green veggies include the following: Vitamin C. Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, contributes to athletic performance in at least three possible ways – as an antioxidant,...

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